G'day! 👋

It appears you stumbled upon my portfolio...who am I you may ask?
I am currently a third year Computer Science student at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
From 2022 to 2024, I was the Education Director for the Computer Science and Engineering Society @ UNSW, where I led a team of 15 to deliver numerous compsci related workshops and resources. My other responsibilities include academic tutoring, and volunteering for St John's Ambulance.
Some of the things I enjoy doing is riding my motorcycle, freediving, photography, teaching, and most recently, diving into the rabbit hole of the Security Engineering side of Computer Science.
Check out my projects for some of the cool things I've been up to!

Familiar technologies

  • svelte   Svelte
  •   React
  •   Python
  •   C
  •   Java
  •   Linux
  •   Rust
  •   Javascript
  •   HTML/CSS
  •   PostgreSQL
  •   MongoDB

Contact me

If you would like to get in touch with me, shoot an email to hello@simonn.dev :D